📰NewsIntroducing the ChefGPT app

Now you can bring your AI-Powered digital Chef always with you on your favorite device!

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Since the release of ChefGPT last February, we've heard from many of our users that they would love having ChefGPT on their mobile to make their cooking journey even easier. Today, we’re launching the ChefGPT app.

The ChefGPT app is of course free to use the same way the website is. Existing ChefGPT PRO subscribers will get access to all the pro features on the go, while Free tier users and new users will be able to upgrade to the PRO plan with ease via the in-app purchase integration! 🚀

New Features

We didn't just ported our website to mobile. We have added some new juicy features that we know our users will enjoy!

  1. Daily Meal Plan Tracker: Now when you create a Meal Plan you can set it as your active plan and see excactly what meal are planned for you each day in our new app Homepage! 📆
  2. Food Allergies: Each user will be able to set his/hers food allergies which will instruct ChefGPT to strictly avoid such ingredients in each generated reciped. This feature is in BETA! 🌾
  3. Pantry Tracker: This is one of the most requested feature. Now users will be able to track their pantry in the dedicated new Pantry Tracker. This will allow you to easily track what ingredients you have at home, track expiration dates, and evem access it in the PantryChef mode so you don't have to type the ingredients every time! 🔥

With the ChefGPT app for iOS, we’re taking another step towards our mission by transforming your kitchen experience, and making everyone a better chef.

P.S. Android users, you're next! ChefGPT will be coming to your devices soon.

So what are you waiting for? Download ChefGPT: iOS Android

Sincerly, ChefGPT Team

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Cover Image for Introducing ChefGPT
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ChefGPT is an AI-Powered digital chef packed with exciting features that will make it your inseparable kitchen companion.